Recap Week 2012-16

I think I can now add baking to my skill list (even if just on a low level). Of course, a lot to improve, but after making cookies for Christmas, helping to bake a cake and glaze it (only mentioning the glazing, because it was a penguin and thus a bit more complicated) for New Year’s Eve, as well as baking one just by myself now, I think I can try to bake something now any time (quality of the results are open to speculations). I guess I have to dig out all those /fit/ baking recipies and give them a try.

Fitocracy points: 2973 [50 from quest] – My upper and lower heavy routines weren’t that good this week.

Zitat: Ballistische Experimente mit kristallinem H2O auf dem Areal der Pädagogischen Institutionen unterliegen striktester Prohibition! [Can’t really translate that quote well into English, so just in German this week.]

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